Monday, March 1, 2010

Facebook Addict

Yeah, it's true, I am a Facebook Addict ....

I know it and my family knows it, so it is okay for me to say it to you.  Hello, my name is Connie and.....

I stumbled into it completely by accident and entirely innocently. Wait, I think I did, I can't exactly remember but that is not the point.  It started when my High School reunion (like 15-20 year – something around there) was coming up. Someone, probably you Donj, enticed me. I entered and OMG! so many people were there, with PICTURES and comments and pretty, so, so fun.

I did not go to the reunion – I've had to change the plastic surgery time table thanks to the economy – so, no go for me but I needed to know every move these 17,000 people that I haven't seen or talked to in 30 years (oops!) were making – I can't explain it.

Then it progressed, there are days when it really doesn't matter what I am doing or what is happening around me, if someone has 785 pictures loaded, I have to see everyone of them THAT INSTANT! I admit I am not proud of that quirk (why do people have to post that many anyway – crapthey are trying to kill me too) but I am working on it.

Now, it is like a middle aged chick’s hangout.
But Holy crap, the first night I did chat.....honest to God – the next day I felt like I had bar hopped Bourbon Street . Serious ouch! I sat here chatting away with 4-5 peeps, laughing out loud, typing at the speed I didn't know I could and drinking wine – too much wine – in fact the only time I got off my fat ass that night was to get more wine or pee, but OH MAN it was the funnest (it is now).

I am PROUD to say that I have my CHATing somewhat under control and I swear....and please hold me to this...I will NEVER join in any FB games....EVER!!! ( I am also working on boundaries... BLTN)

But hey, let's face it, what is a girl to do? The teens are homeworking, texting and FBing (I see it), the pre-teen (adorable boy!) is flipping or gaming and the hub (hunky sports nut) is watching sports (I would rather clean than that), so I FB and chat.

They say admitting it is ….. whateveraaaaa! Friend Me – it's a verb now …


  1. Connie! I am so excited that you're blogging as I am equally addicted to blogs as I am to fb. I'm favoriting you! I'm with ya on the OnStar thingie--chokes me up every time,and, hey! Nine months pregnant over here...Hmmm...where IS that baby?!
    Ginny online but really your fb friend CindyA.!
