Monday, April 12, 2010

Vacations are Funny Things

I love love love (like beer) to go on vacation. Pretty much any vacation will do. But when we go to visit my sister extraordinaire at her beautiful water front FLA home, it is especially fabulous. She has it all there and we get to share it. Her home is nicer than the Ritz and the hospitality rocks all.

We had the fam plus one...(Paraguay of course). So it's fun plus one!!!

Since we have been to this destination many times, there is no rush or worry to get sight seeing in. It is strictly about relaxing and spending quality time with the family...

This vacation has it all.

There is fishing off the associations bait stocked private pier...(from which hub had a fall from grace...more later on that)...for Adorable Pre-Teen who turned 13 there so he will now be known as Adorable 13...Cutest.
He got to hop in the golf cart...DRIVE the total funnest at the pier and fish fish fish....Very Fun for boys...And the precious beast even fed us two meals with his spoils....CUTE and CLEVER!!

The girls got to take the other golf cart...(yeah she had two...she has everything...ARG...not jealous) to one of the pools or the beach and sun sun sun. Or of course they could go up to the "widows walk" and sun bath where only the birds could see them...if you know what I mean. Bikinis, sun and freedom; what more could teen girls ask for? NOT ONE THING.

Hub got to go with Adorable 13 and fish and got to hang and read read read...Of course he did have to make some "handy man" repairs for the sister. Seriously, there is not one capable handy man on that it was up to Macho Man...awe sweet. (What??? He likes it.)

I got to fix their breakfasts, fix their lunches, pick up after them and do their constant laundry. Got to make sure that they had sunscreen, water, personal hygiene products and medicine for the plane. Got to make sure that they took their homework with them and brought it back completed. Got to cart the Easter crap with me so the Easter Bunny wasn't a no-show (although the hostess with the mostess already had this covered). Got to figure out what they would do and eat on the plane (cause they don't flippin feed you anymore). Got to make sure the teens did the college visits while there (cause the boss of me said we had to..thanks). Got to make sure everyone got a souvenir. Got to...

I love vacations.

But honestly it was all heaven 'cause I got to hang with my sis in paradise...xo